Saturday, November 8, 2008

My thoughts.

Well, the election has come and gone and now it is time to move on.

If you came here from my website you will notice that I am adding new things everyday. One of the items that have been added is a page called Our Children. This page is going to feature the stories of the children that are affected by Gardasil and the Autistic children. I feel that their stories are important to understanding what is going on in the vaccine arena.

I did not mention that I had an important event in my life. I became a grandma again on October 17th to a little boy. His name is Adam and he weighed 8lb. 8oz., 21 in. long, born at 7:18AM. I am tickled to have a new addition to the family tree.

Presently, I am researching the effects of flouride in our water and toothpaste. That is becoming very interesting in not so good of a way. I am also back to exposing the dangers of vaccines and other drugs.

On this blog you can talk about anything that interests you as long as it is suitable for a family environment. Tell us about your likes and dislikes. What has been going on in your family and if you have some good news to tell.

I am interested in hearing it all.

You are all in my prayers.

Monday, October 27, 2008

2008 Election

In my articles I try really hard to keep my opinions at a minimum. That is why I created this blog. I want my readers to be able to voice their opinions openly.

My opinion for today is that this election is scaring the heck out of me. I have never seen anything like this in my life. The media is ignoring the equal time for all candidates since the beginning. They have eliminated any third party candidate in any of the debates. In my opinion there has been no oversight as to the contributions to the candidates. This has been horrible.
We have only two choices for President according to the media and that is McCain and Obama. In their own way they scare me. I want to believe what they say but I have to take all the rhetoric with a grain of salt.

I did though look at their voting records and the special interest group ratings to get a good picture of what the both of them were all about. I also looked at what bills they sponsored and co-sponsored in the Senate. Because of all this I have decided to vote for McCain because I do not want universal health care, increased taxes and my hard earned income to go to some lazy bum that does not want to work. I also do not want more vaccines in their present form for my grandchildren or for any children. That is what would happen under Obama.

But anyway, I am looking for some lively debate and insightful comments.

Have a great day in what still is the free United States of America.